What Is Acne? – Causes And Home Remedies To Cure Acne

Acne or acne vulgaris is an embarrassing, painful and cosmetic skin disease that is common in the youth but also happens at any age to men and women. The hair follicles in the skin become clogged or plugged with oil and dead skin cells, which causes acne. Acne happens more to people with oily skin and also to those who do not regularly keep their skin clean. It is a genetic and hereditary skin condition most of the time and it is very embarrassing especially for teenagers and young adults who suffer from this condition. It can happen because of hormonal issues and also if people are suffering from hormonal disorders. The following are details about acne:

Details about Acne

  • The term acne includes all sorts of breakouts in the skin which can make the skin look blemished and also become extremely painful.
  • Acne symptoms or what is of acne include regularly pus-filled pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, large red skin bumps, painful pus-filled lumps, cysts, and just unclear skin. One or two pimples or a few occasional breakouts happen to almost everybody in their youth.
  • However, regular breakout or pimples, rashes, whiteheads, and blackheads are a skin condition that needs to be regularly treated. Acne happens on the face, foreheads, chest, upper back area, arms, and shoulders.
  • Acne can cause physical pain and embarrassment as it is emotionally distressful and also it is a cosmetic issue as well. For example, girls and boys with acne are embarrassed and feel insecure about their looks.
  • Young people and teenagers suffer a lack of confidence in their looks which at that age can be a major problem as looks matter to most people especially when they are young.

Causes of Acne

Many causes can lead to acne and prevention is always the best form of cure. If the causes are well established it is easy to stay away from acne which is good for the skin as well as for the overall health. The following are some of the causes of Acne:

In many cases, it is a genetic issue where people who have specific types of genes get acne. Some people just get acne while others don’t, regardless of their skin regimen or hygiene levels. What causes acne depends on the genes and also some genetic disorders like Apert Syndrome which can cause acne.

Hormonal Problem
Hormonal problems and imbalances are a leading cause of acne. Puberty, menstruation, and increased levels of hormonal activity are a leading cause of acne among teenagers and young people. There are many types of problems that cause hormone fluctuation which aggravates the skin inflammation, increases oil production in pores and causes acne. 

A healthy diet is good for the skin and an unhealthy oily and junk food diet can cause acne. Refined sugars and grains, dairy products, oily food, fast food, foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, chocolates, whey protein powders, and even excessive intake of eggs can cause acne.

Stress & Environment
Anxiety and stress are other leading causes of breakout and acne. Acne also worsens as stress increases and disorders like PMS can cause acne. Environmental factors like dust and pollution also cause the skin to become dirty which can cause acne. Anaerobic bacterial infections and regular infections in the air can also cause acne and good hygiene is a way to fight these environmental factors. Intake of some types of medicines can also cause acne.

Home Remedies to Cure Acne

There are many types of home remedies for acne that can be used to fight acne and prevent and cure this skin problem. Taking zinc supplements, fish oil supplements, and following a low glycemic load diet are some ways to prevent acne. Many ingredients in the pantry and kitchen can be applied to the acne to cure it naturally. This includes apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, tea tree oil, honey and cinnamon mask, green tea, and witch hazel to name a few. Keeping the skin oil-free and clean and regularly moisturizing with a non-oily cream is a great way to keep the skin healthy.  Acne is a skin condition that can cause physical and emotional problems and get rid of the acne by using natural remedies is always a smart choice.

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